50 Facts about Sleep!

Facts about Sleep

  • 50 Facts about Sleep
  • 50 Trivia facts about sleep
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  • 50 Facts about sleep disorders
  • Facts and Info about sleep and dreams
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50 Facts about Sleep
Did you know that More than 45% of all adults snore on occasion and 25 % snore all the time! We spend much of our lives sleeping but how much do we now about the process? Definition of sleep: Sleep is a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended.


Process of Sleep - Sleeping is attended by a relaxation of the muscles, and the absence of voluntary activity for any rational objects or purpose. The pulse is slower, the respiratory movements fewer in number but more profound, and there is less blood in the cerebral vessels. It is susceptible of greater or less intensity or completeness in its control of the powers. Synonyms for Sleep are slumber; repose; rest; nap; doze and drowse. Browse our list of trivia and facts about sleep and dreams - fascinating!

Facts about Sleep, Sleep Disorders, Sleep Deprivation and Dreams
Some interesting facts about sleep are as follows:

  • Trivia Fact 1: The average adult needs a total sleep time of 7 to 9 hours per day - it is not true that older people need less sleep however over 50% of people over 64 years old suffer from some type of sleep disorder

  • Trivia Fact 2: Some sleeping tablets, such as barbiturates suppress REM sleep, which can be harmful over a long period

  • Trivia Fact 3: People can take cat naps with their eyes open without even being aware of it.

  • Trivia Fact 4: REM stands for "rapid eye movement" because our eyes can be seen to move under our eyelids

  • Trivia Fact 5: During REM sleep we are almost totally paralysed. Only the diaphragm and muscles of the intestines, heart, blood and eyes are not affected by this paralysis

  • Trivia Fact 6:  REM is a very deep kind of sleep and we are usually difficult to wake

  • Trivia Fact 7: A Catnap is a a short sleep (usually not in bed)

  • Trivia Fact 8: Dreaming that you are taking a nap, suggests that you need to take a little time off to relax and take it easy.

  • Trivia Fact 9: Paradoxical sleep is a recurring sleep state during which dreaming occurs; a state of Rapid Eye Movements during sleep - rapid eye movement sleep, REM or REM sleep

  • Trivia Fact 10: Orthodox or Nonrapid eye movement sleep, NREM, NREM sleep are all terms for Orthodox sleep which is a recurring sleep state during which rapid eye movements do not occur and dreaming does not occur; accounts for about 75% of normal sleep time

  • Trivia Fact 11: REM sleep starts about 90 minutes after we fall asleep

  • Trivia Fact 12: REM sleep occurs in bursts throughout the night, adding up to about 2 hours of REM sleep per night in total

  • Trivia Fact 13: We dream in any stage of sleep

  • Trivia Fact 14: REM dreams are usually fantastic or bizarre

  • Trivia Fact 15: NREM dreams are usually mundane relating to everyday occurrences

  • Trivia Fact 16: Do dogs sleep? It's not known for sure which animals, besides humans, dream

  • Trivia Fact 17: Teenagers tend to sleep for 10 hours

  • Trivia Fact 18: The most popular sleeping positions are foetus (41%), Log (15%), Yearner (13%), Soldier (8%), Freefaller (7%),  Starfish position (5%) and all other sleeping positions account for 11%

  • Trivia Fact 19: The body language of sleep positions reflect your personality traits!

  • Trivia Fact 20: Dreaming that you are sleeping indicates peace of mind.

  • Trivia Fact 21: REM sleep may help developing brains to mature.

  • Trivia Fact 22: 12% of people only dream in black and white

  • Trivia Fact 23: The average person spends a total of about six years dreaming - 2 hours each night - although one third of our lives is spent sleeping

  • Trivia Fact 24: Dreams are strongly associated with rapid eye movement (REM) sleep during which brain activity is like wakefulness

  • Trivia Fact 25: Everybody dreams. But some people do not remember their dreams

  • Trivia Fact 26: Dreams usually run in 90-minute cycles during sleep

  • Trivia Fact 27: Shift workers are 2 to 5 times more likely than employees with regular, daytime hours to fall asleep on the job

  • Trivia Fact 28: Studies have identified common reported themes in dreams including situations relating to school, being chased, sexual experiences, falling, arriving late, death, teeth falling out, flying and car accidents

  • Trivia Fact 29: Being overweight increases the risk for sleep apnea

  • Trivia Fact 30: Hot summer nights cause restless sleep - To drop off to sleep we must first cool off; body temperature and the brain's sleep-wake cycle are closely linked

  • Trivia Fact 31: Sleep may be disturbed during the night but the mind interprets the disturbance and makes it a part of a dream in order to ensure continued sleep but the dreamer will awaken when danger threatens or the dream causes shock

  • Trivia Fact 32: Jet Lag is the inability to sleep caused when travelling across several time zones causing biological rhythms to get "out of sync."

  • Trivia Fact 33: Daytime naps improve memory and cut the risk of heart disease

  • Trivia Fact 34: Five minutes after the end of the dream, 50% of the content is forgotten, after ten minutes 90% is forgotten

  • Trivia Fact 35: Being sleepy is just like being drunk! If you lose 2 hours of sleep, you can impair your performance equalling .05 blood-alcohol level

  • Trivia Fact 36: The record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes during a rocking chair marathon.

  • Trivia Fact 37: 10% of snorers have sleep apnea, a disorder which causes sufferers to stop breathing up to 300 times a night

  • Trivia Fact 38: Our brain waves are more active when we are dreaming than when we are awake

  • Trivia Fact 39

  • Trivia Fact 40: British Ministry of Defense researchers have been able to reset soldiers' body clocks so they can go without sleep for up to 36 hours

  • Trivia Fact 41: Sleeping for over 9 hours per night (for an adult) is just as bad as sleeping 6 hours or less

  • Trivia Fact 42: The average dream lasts between 10 and 15 minutes

  • Trivia Fact 43: Approximately ⅓ of your life is spent sleeping

  • Trivia Fact 44: The most common emotions experienced in dreams are anxiety and fear.

  • Trivia Fact 45: A new baby usually deprives it's parents of 400-750 hours of sleep in the first year

  • Trivia Fact 46: Sleep depravation produces higher levels of corticosterone, a stress hormone and fewer brain cells are produced.

  • Trivia Fact 47: A study showed that 42% of people felt they had had a dream about something that later came true

  • Trivia Fact 48: Scientists have not been able to explain a 1998 study
    showing a bright light shone on the backs of human knees can reset the brain’s sleep-wake clock

  • Trivia Fact 49: In insomnia following bereavement, sleeping pills can disrupt grieving

  • Trivia Fact 50:  Brains are more active sleeping than watching TV!

Facts about Sleep

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  • Facts about Sleep
  • Trivia facts about sleep
  • Strange facts and trivia about sleep deprived
  • Interesting information and strange facts
  • Fun Facts about sleep
  • Facts about sleep disorders
  • Facts and Info about sleep and dreams
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